
viernes, 26 de octubre de 2012

Mila Kunis loses its contract with Dior

Mila Kunis was the face of Christian Dior, until a few days ago it was announced that Jennifer Lawrence would replace. This beautiful Ukrainian actress, in the last hours, is news, being fired from Dior. The reason? Her weight gain  and lack of makeup.

"Since the beginning of her affair with Ashton Kutcher, has been constantly photographed with a completely disastrous. Not the Dior image that you want to give, "the executive was quoted as saying. The same spokesman for the firm said that the actress would "not stop gaining weight and appears very sloppy, and not using the right clothes ", although "clothing was offered"

The problems have been born after the first pictures of the filming of "Blood Ties" appeared.

Mila in Glamour magazine, revealed that previously dropped a lot of weight for her role in "Black Swan", arriving at 43 kilos.
"I looked in the mirror and said to myself: My God! There was no way, I had breasts, or ass, "he said, adding," All I saw was bone. I thought  "This looks gross ".

The strange thing is that the recently named "Sexiest Woman of 2012" by Esquire magazine.


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