
martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

The Secrets of celebrities to look good

Hello friends! Today, I have them the secrets of celebrities, to make us more beautiful!
Hope you enjoy!

                                                               Natalie Portam:

The Israel-born actress, and winner of Oscars, applied daily after bathing essential oils on your face and then used makeup before a sunscreen that keeps you safe from the spots on the skin.

Cameron Díaz:

This beautiful actress, for the face using a tanning effect base and a soft blush on the cheeks, to brighten your skin. Use masks for your hair nutritious and exercise.

                                                        Catherine Zeta-Jones:

The Welsh actress, has commented that his best friend in dry ends is olive oil. To keep your teeth white, is made with strawberry puree brushed.

 Jennifer López:

The actress and singer with Latin origins, sleeps eight hours and drink two liters of water daily. It also has a personal trainer and yoga practice. To look perfect skin moisturizing to the maximum.

Cindy Crawford:

The top model of the 90s, wash your face with milk, previously diluted in water and left to evaporate all day.

Julia Roberts:

Julia Roberts, dipped their hands once a week with olive oil to keep them very soft.


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